I honestly don’t wish these situations on anyone and just by being out and about, I put myself at risk for whatever the world may bring. Right?. This weekend was just interesting the more I think about it and I hope you enjoy this anecdote. Nick being Nick she says.
A group of friends and I decided to go out and my world fell over and almost swallowed me. I must say, it was one of the best nights out I had in years. I was not Marchel Monday or anything but wow. The Colombians know how to party. I should have know things were going to get interesting when we ended up leaving for the club at 12:30.. The buildup to that night was a mix of good luck and patience but there we were now; standing at the bar. People were already out in front puking. Security was tense. And there it was. The decision that could have made things better. “Are we drinking Vodka?”, Lion asked with the biggest smile on his face. They were all looking at me of course. I was the foreigner in the group so.. People tend to want to show off their hospitality in Colombia. Anyway, a brand spanking new bottle of Apple Vodka from some company or the other. Soo good, and exactly why I do not usually buy it. The bottle opened and we had no time for chaser. In 30 minutes of shots, that was it. We stood looking at each other. We were four, Lion, Amanda, El Oro y me. Then there were 4 more and we were at the level. “Prendido” they say here. “Turned on” .It was my idea. Another bottle?

When was the last time you forgot yourself on a night out?
The time went by and by 3:30 the bar was closing and the security was kicking us out. Even in Colombia they play “Closing Time” . Outside….. What now? The bottle was done and a new one appeared. 3 bottles so far by the way. El Oro had the Idea to go to one of our apartments. Fast-forward a couple hours and a taxi ride and there we were. Now with a bottle of rum. This is where I think it all took a turn, but after that I do not remember much. None actually. I woke up very disoriented in my bed. What a night. I remember puking all over the apartment’s wall also. I proceeded to look for my pertenencias for 40-45 minutes. Interestingly, everything seemed to be in order. The only thing I found strange when I found my wallet in the apartment was the missing cash. Later I thought about it and I think we spent it on alcohol.. Or should I say I. Later that afternoon, I was at Amandas house. Spent the night there, and the next day when we finally felt too hungry to stay in more, we made it out back into the world. I said, “HAMBURGER”. Amanda said yes. This is where I noticed the one thing I needed to keep safe was missing. My ScotiaBank Debit card. I smiled at the cashier and checked again. I laughed my way through that situation because all of a sudden I found myself in another city…BROKE.

How do you deal with tough situations
The situation was not good but it certainly could have been much worse and so I proceeded to do those breathing exercises they talk about. Seriously, that was about that was about the only time I needed to if anything. No transactions came through on my email so at least I could rest that it was not stolen. There I was tho with some coins in my pocket. I laughed. Amanda looked at me and laughed also. For some reason, looking at her calmed me down enough to move on ahead. There were still some places to check and so I decided to just not stress out until I was sure. I lived in every moment since then until now as I am writing this. It was knowing that I was is one of the worst possible positions and also in one of the best at the same time. Strange feeling as if you are paying the universe for the amazing things happening in real time. A surreal experience honestly. I just never allowed myself to completely feel the anxiety of it. It is not the first time that I end up in a position where I was completely vulnerable. The last time, I also found my way back safely but I had a meltdown the day after. Tears and fear for what could have happened easily. It seems that I have an angel looking out for me or some force guiding my decisions. I allowed myself to be guided this time instead and here I am.

Meditation anyone?
This morning I woke up and the solution to the problem hit me like a bus. I somehow knew it would appear. And this was just a test. An exercise of trust. You see, while with Amanda, I was practicing my reading in Spanish. It was a book about children’s mental health and how one can think about raising a child. The chapter that caught my attention was titled, “Reacciones automatics”. It spoke to me right then and there. It was a good reminder because it touched on Mantras and the need to be able to control the mind saying things like, “Everything will be fine.” “I am where I am supposed to be.” “I am with whom I am supposed to be.” Even though your mind can play tricks on you when you are on a trip like that, this is a great way to cut through the bullshit. It makes me think about how scared we are as a society wherever it may be. Anyway, like I wrote, it worked out. As I was sure it would. The exercise of trust was not trusting others, but finding the confidence and courage to trust that I would take care of myself and that I’d be ok. Not from the moment I lost my card, but from the moment I decided to drink vodka.

Tell me what you thought about this ordeal in the comments section. I really enjoyed this one for some reason and I can’t help myself. I sometimes realize that I feel and interact with the world differently especially when it comes to how I deal with situations. When I am going through them with others it becomes more complicated. People get upset, angry, and find excuses to make everyone else part of the problem. It is good that I get to see how I dealt with this. I always try my best to be positive. Sometimes there is just no other option. Share this please.