Piedra por piedra, se hace una montañita.
Hey Guys! I am glad to be writing again. It took quite a while to get back to this point but I am glad to have found a way to do this more efficiently. I have Klass.Media! A dream I always had was to make my life out of dong what I love to do. What I learned over time is that I keep going back to a couple things. Taking trips with friends where I experience the world has always made me happy. I don’t know what it is but it is like I feed on you guys. This sweet dance of mingling personalities and ideas that don’t always make this go as smoothly but when they do, WOW. Especially when you throw a visually stunning location and maybe an exciting activity.

When I get the chance to rest I often get anxious about what the next thing will be. There are those times however where I am just in the moment. Swinging on a hammock in the jungle somewhere, riding a train in a city, or just chilling on a beach. These times are very special. Take for instance. Right now, I am in a medium-sized town in Colombia called Sogamoso. An interesting place. I am with a friend that I met 4 years ago. Somehow, I got the chance to visit and explore The past couple months this is what I have been doing. Taking those busses and trains, planning, waiting, running, skating, standing, walking and all those things that come with the life I want to live. Here are a few images I took so far while being here

Being out here and free is a dream. I realise what I want to do to tie things together. You see, although I get to do all these things, I am often stressed and tight when it comes to my finances. This year I really am trying to make a breakthrough. “How the heck can I make money doing what I love?” This is what Klass.Media will be about for now.
GOAL: I want to record what it takes to make it on the road as a travelling photographer.
I have so many ideas and I am in the position to launch some of them to see what happens. On this page and on my other social platforms, you will be able to follow along with this project. I hope to make it for for my sake and for others who may struggle making the switch. I know for sure I am. Even though I am working on this page for a couple months, this is an introduction I guess. Thanks for reading. Share this page please. Look forward for the content I am about to throw at your face. This article is what I am using to make my next youtube project.