This is Antonio
As I get more and more into meeting people and asking them these things, I find myself being more bold. I ended up in a town near Madrid called Toledo. A day-trip to see the place. After walking for about 2 hours through the old city, I found myself on a dirt track off the bank of a river. I thought it was the perfect place to sit and have a chat. That’s when I spotted Antonio. From where I was, the scene was so perfect. A man in his world. Sitting on a bench with his dog. I felt a little nervous about bothering him but it was too perfect. I stood up and went over. Luckily, I was with my girlfriend and so she helped recording our conversation. Antonio had a calming way of speaking and his job title seemed to suit his demeanour. He was so happy to be involved and gave me a real push. I’m more motivated than ever to keep meeting people and learn about places and cultures in our world. This is what Antonio had to say in during our encounter. I hope you learn something from him.

Who are you?
“My name is Antonio de la Cruz. I’m Spanish, I have a family, my dog and well, It’s now the time where I have lunch after work. I’m a librarian in a museum here in Toledo. I have lived here for about 15 years more or less but I fell in love with this city. This river is fabulous. I get off work and it’s a place where I find peace and tranquility. The sound of the river, the sun.”

What do you do to earn money?
Well, like I said before, I’m a librarian of a museum. I got the job ny applying for the position and studying to be able to work with what I like. Books. Every book that comes to the library has to be reviewed, read, catalogued and put out for the public to see.
What do yo do to enjoy life?
Ahh! They are moments. With my children. One of my sons is named Nicolas. He plays football and I play with him. I always read when I have free time. The city. Sometimes, they are unexpected moments that I enjoy. Each and every day, there is a moment to enjoy. This one for example, I never expected to be with you.
What is something you think everyone should know
Well, there are so many things that are very important but the main thing is to do whatever you do from the heart. Sharing with people, coming together with people from other countries. Travel. Be grateful for anything that produces human contact, contact with animals or contact with nature. Don’t destroy, get angry with the other person. Try to understand one another. That would be my advice.

This guy was cool. He took the time out of his day to speak with me and give advice. Being there in that moment was surprising. I learned a lot about myself. Thanks for reading. Until the next person.