People Of The World : Gabriel

Who is Gabri?

When I met Gabriel, we made plans to make music and hang out. He gave me his number and that was that. I did not end up calling him until maybe a month later. I was having some drinks and decided to see what he was up to. “Hey man! Do you remember me? What you up to cuz I am close by.” “Come over” he said. As I walked in, and walked up the stairs, I had no Idea what I was going to encounter. I had to stop and slap myself as I thought about how many people have these lives where on the outside, they look so normal and when they let you in, you find that not everything is as it seems. A full on studio with many guitars and recording equipment. Tattoo station, and cabinet with very interesting toys. All of a sudden, I felt so comfortable. I grabbed a guitar and just started doing what I do. Gabriel listened. He listened and joined in when the time was right. We did what we said we wanted to do. Play music and hang out. One thing that stood out to me is how it is not exactly necessary to be perfect when it comes to music and art. I wouldn’t say that he is the best musician but whatever he does comes from the heart. Singing about love, death and the things that happen in life. Then when I realised that he was singing to my mom. “Nick is ok”…. I was lucky enough to record it.

“A person with a lot of anger, but also a very loyal person but apart from to being loyal with the people at my side, I consider myself to be a good person who tries to help out everyone that I can however I can. Anyone who has less that I do, I take what I have to give to try to be helpful. The death of my mother has been tough. It keeps impacting me and it really did. If you want to call this an adventure, It has been the most impactful one and well.. It is one I am still living today. More than all my adventures put together and being someone who has travelled a lot and did many things. being someone who was kidnapped at gun point, who started ‘shit’, who has been followed by nazis, I can say that all of this put together doesn’t compare to what I am living right now”

I think that Gabriel is going to do well. Pushing through the hurt and pain. One day at a time.

His responses to my questions were interesting and I immediately realised that I won’t always get the answers I expect. One of the reasons I am doing this is to listen to others and so I am happy with the first interview.

Klass.Media Blog

These are his answers in short form interpreted by me.

What do you do for money?

“Well, the correct question would be, what do I do to not lose money”.Over the years, many things here and there. Now I am working on opening my business right now so I look forward to it.

What do you do for pleasure?

“To be honest, right now i’m not enjoying things a lot because I am a little stressed out but, a little while ago I did bungee jumping, in a little time I’m going to do do skydiving and normally, mainly travel. Share the experiences with my family who are my little brothers, friends, my woman and people I love. Generally, I prefer to do things to spend time rather than make money.. . Those kinds of things

What is something you think everyone should know?

Everyone should know how to have respect. To help instead of trying to make trouble.No matter who the person is, where they are from, if they are black, yellow, red, white or gay.

Used for a media library on Klass.Media

And so…..

. I hope you enjoyed this. The first of many to come. If you are also interested in the lives and ideas of people, this will be an interesting inquest. Thanks for reading.