Sometimes in life, you meet people who you can tell just do things to gain from others, and to advance theirselves. I think that I even fall into this category sometimes but the again, sometimes we come into contact with some on just a completely different level. At the surface level, this man seems to be quiet and essentially, he is, but the amount of things he does continues to impress me day by day. I met him a couple months ago and since then, we found the time to do quite a few things. Fly planes in a simulator, make trips, take videos, and more. Honestly, surprising me every time we end up doing something. One day he said, “We need to go one day to my museum!” Of course I asked why he had one and the answer was “Total philanthropy”. Anyway, I asked Jesus to be part of this project and he was only happy to help, not only by participating himself but also by bringing other interesting people on. I can’t wait to see what time brings but for now, here is a little about him. This interview is a little longer but I hope you can learn a little from him. The advice in the end has to be one of the most satisfying things I have heard in a while stick around to hear it.
“He found himself piloting the biggest spaceship in the universe and beside him, there was a young, blonde woman directing him on where to go.”

Who is Jesus?
Easy. I’m Jesus Gonzalez, from a little town called Villaluenga De La Vega, in Palencia, Spain. Son of Chchi and Pili. I studied Agricultural Technical Engineering. I worked in it for some years and after opened a school for computer sciences and so, almost all my life I’ve been repairing computers and teaching. I also like doing many things and have had the ability to mesh together my professional life to a point where on many occasions it’s unknown whether they are jobs, careers or hobbies and well… I did things like this because its how I wanted it.
How do you make your money?
Well, actually, I have 5 companies, none of which are great nor do they produce enough money by themselves to earn a living. Hence the 5 companies. I also rent out rooms in my home to pay for miscellaneous things and outstanding debts. It also allows me to meet people from many places, sons of may mothers and again, I am not sure if do it only for money or because I like to meet people, understand them, and give them shelter. If my goal in life was to make a lot of money or be rich, I would be a failure. It’s the reason there are so many “failures” in the world. Their objectives were things they couldn’t achieve. If I choose an objective that is more accessible, and easier to attain for me, like being relaxed, or have my surroundings be peaceful, of course, I would not have made so much money, but because it was never an objective, no drama. If my objective is to find some type of happiness, and I find it, well.. objective attained! Many people have objectives that either they can’t achieve, or and they don’t know it, or they dig their boots in with trying to get it and can’t. Not everyone in the world can be rich. For some, it’s necessary or important to become rich because it’s their life’s mission, and for them, it’s essential and sometimes these people come up against walls… Dramatic.
What do you do for fun?
When I had about 10 years, I was assigned a small screenplay for christmas to write for school. It came out really badly. Mine was one of the worst ones out of all. I wasn’t able to express what I wanted to and from that day, I made it a challenge to understand how screenplays are written little by little and to be able to tell the stories I had in my head. Over the years, through books, movies, friends and going to courses, little by little, I found myself liking the process. A bonus was that many of the people who read them like them being very simple not out of the ordinary screenplays. They are always very short and varied. I find the job of the screenwriter to be somewhat magical. Anything you write can be amazing. Eg: “He found himself piloting the biggest spaceship in the universe and beside him, there was a young, blonde woman directing him on where to go.” They are just 2 sentences that to produce, maybe costs half a million dollars and some incredible artists, but simply writing them gives you an idea of the power of the writer. Like everyone in the world who has their head on, prepares their life for the future. Preparing financially and emotionally. In my case, since the age of 10, I think the each day that passes by, my life gets better. It is becoming how I imagined it which is again, being comfortable and happy. Have everyone around me comfortable and good and that the problems that come up are dealt with in a way that doesn’t take us off the path which we are on, which is to be okay. Right now, things can be better like everyone of course, but I am very much okay.
Advice for anyone listening?
I’m going to give a piece of advice that my father gave to me. If you want advice, do what you feel to do. If you want advice, be free. Don’t wait for anyone to put conditions on your life. Do what you really want to do. Make your wish come true. Don’t do what I want you to do. At the end of the day, any advice someone gives you, even though it’s given ‘free’ somehow, they are obligating you to follow the path that they want for themselves and so this piece of advice that my father gave me is very touching because it’s not about the person giving advice but the one that has to figure out what to do from within. From the heart. Use your brain of course, be reflective, but at the end, get the where you want to be.

Hope you enjoyed that
This is where I’d like to leave a few remarks about how I thought this went. Firstly, I’m sorry about the grain in the image. Of course, every time you do something there is a learning curve that you have to get through but at the end of the day, even though it takes time and lots of effort to finally get right, the fact that it will be difficult or imperfect cannot be a reason to not do something. For what it is, I am happier every time. The templates finally are making the process so much easier and streamlined so this is also a good thing. POTW is turning into something I really enjoy doing and to see myself interacting with the different subjects in my memories makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand a little. Other than the image, I really enjoyed this one with Jesus. The translating is always fun and in that I even find myself becoming faster and more accurate. Let me know in the comments what you thought. Thanks a lot for reading/ watching/ listening .