Remaking and building on what you and others have already done somehow is exactly the way things go. Coming up with an Idea with yourself is pretty much impossible. It means that you can fail and make mistakes but try again and see how things may work out. I write all this to say that things are moving forward with us al. For ‘People of the world’ , things are moving along just nicely. I really want this to be mine. What I make it to be and being strong enough to stick to what I want is important. So many ideas and input gets in the way of creating and this is why artists prefer a quiet place. Away from the distractions and noise. Maybe it’s something we all need to try sometime. I am not doing as many people of the world, at least not as many as I thought I wanted to make. The thing is that I interviewed some people who threw me off a bit. Some ideas that I didn’t want somehow found their way into my head. Building to make a better iteration
I was playing in the snow. First time really stepping on enough snow to where I didn’t need to go crazy. There was enough to just be calm and enjoy its beauty. Everything was timed where there was just barely enough time to do a hike and get back to the car to head to another city where I would spend the night. Just when we were debating if we should go back to the car or not, this man bent the corner. Out of no where because as you can see with his equipment, he came from some sort of wilderness that we were definitely not prepared to confront. Perfect timing! “Can you record babe?”
“ Things cost money of course. The equipment we have for photography, the cars we drive and everything else but heck.. one car is enough.”

“What’s your name and what do you do for a living?
Juan just said Juan. So, Ive done some interviews with people I know already and who I think are interesting, but when I get down to it, I really like approaching people out of the blue when I feel good and the moment calls for it. There are many people who I think are interesting but it becomes difficult for people to speak freely and with flow sometimes when the whole thing is pre planned so when I approached Juan, he was a bit caught off guard. You can see it at the beginning but he was more than willing to be on camera and take part. In a moment, He spoke about how he doesn’t work anymore but has a monthly pension after having a career as a Journalist, specifically, a producer of children shows for the tele in Spain. It was a nice moment because I could tell that he knew all about the world I am slowly getting a taste of.
“What do you do for fun?”
It is amazing how you can come across people who just show you the world of a specific thing. His response put a huge smile on my face. The man likes to do landscape photography. I just had to take out my camera and show off the picture I just capture even though it wasn’t the best shot. “Fantastico” is a word that any artist would love to hear about their work. I loved the fact that people retire here and actually do things in the time they have. limbing mountains at 5 am is not an easy thing to do for an older person but I like to see it when I see it. Same goes for those 75 year old surfers out there.
“Advice? Something you want the people to know?”
One of the more wise responses I have gotten so take note. “ Everyone should know that we have only one life and we need to live every moment to the fullest while making sure you are trying your best. You can fail or make mistakes..All good, but you have to do what your body calls you to do.” What an artist. Some people say this and you wonder if they are joking because you see that they don’t put the ideas into practice. Juan definitely looks like someone able to throw words like these. I totally agree since it is the only thing that makes me keep on.

Moving forward
He said. “ Things cost money of course. The equipment we have for photography, the cars we drive and everything else but heck.. one car is enough.” This sums up what I think I want to get people to understand through this page. Honestly, all the experiences I have had where I get back home just ‘frothing’ from the great day is what I live for. With good people and honestly, the people I am encountering since this is happening are just motivating me more to do what I am doing and not pay attention to the noise. So here I am again with ‘People of the world’ . I have some great interviews coming and I just hope you see this at the right time in your life!.